I’m so glad you’re here!

I’m Rachael Collins


What's My Story?

I spent years knowing there was supposed to be joy in the journey, but I just couldn’t find it. I was a stay-at-home mom of 6 kids, 50 lbs. overweight, and I felt like I was failing in every possible way. I was angry at my financial situation, frustrated with the way I was mothering, and disappointed in myself and how I was showing up. I felt miserable about my life and who I was, but I didn’t know how to change any of it. All I knew was that I just wanted to feel better!

To make things even worse, my health started to decline.


By the time I was 37, I had zero energy and was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all the time.  From the outside, it looked like everything was fine.  I had it all—an awesome husband, six amazing children, a house, a car. I went to Church every Sunday.  I should have been happy!

What was wrong with me?

I knew I wanted more joy in my life, what I didn’t realize then is that my feelings of anger, frustration, resentment, overwhelm, guilt, worry, shame, bitterness, fear, disappointment, misery – you name it I was experiencing it – were all created by me. 

This was the best news ever!


Because if I was the creator of all these things in my life, it meant I could change it and create something else.

God had a plan for me and led me to life coaching, where I was able to finally figure out what was really creating my problems and exactly how to fix them.

Once I had this breakthrough, everything changed. It had a ripple effect on my whole life, on my health and my weight, on my financial situation, and even on my husband and kids. I started seeing and feeling real change in every area.  

I didn’t just feel better. I felt amazing! 


I lost all the weight, including things I had no idea were weighing me down, my relationships improved, money flowed, my health and energy improved, and I feel so much more joy in the everyday!

Coaching is powerful!

It gave me tools and skills to be happy and create a joyful life I love!


I dove deep into the world of mindset, nutrition, weight loss, identity, and the gospel of Jesus Christ. I certified as a Family Herbalist, a Certified Eating Psychology Coach, a Creation Coach, and a Certified Life and Weight Coach through the Life Coach School.

Since 2018 I have coached hundred of clients, for thousands of hours, from all over the place–I seriously have the best job in the world!

I want everyone to know that life can be so much better than just surviving! You can thrive! And you can have JOY. It’s what we were made for after all (2 Nephi 2:25)

And when YOU feel good and have faith in yourself, you are better able to take the best care of your family.

I’m proof that the mom you want to be, the health and relationships you want to have, and the life you want to live is 100% possible, and I am here to show you exactly how to get it!

A Joyful You Coaching

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