Body Love
Body image is a huge topic right now, and it should be.
Body image is defined as how we feel in and about our body.
It has nothing to do with our appearance.
Many people believe that their body is the problem.
What they don’t realize is that the problem is not with their body, but with the way they think about their body.
I believe that developing a positive body image, or what I call “BODY LOVE”, feeling good about your body from the inside, not just how it looks, will improve our health and increase our happiness levels.
I believe deep down we all want to love our body.
It does so many amazing things for us each day: It breathes for us without us having to think about it. It heals itself. It eliminates waste for us. It keeps our heart beating which in turn keeps us alive. No matter how you treat our body or all the mean things you say to it, your body still shows up for you day after day after day.
Somewhere along the way, we picked up a belief that our bodies need to LOOK a certain way in order to be loveable.
That is a lie!
You don’t love your parents, your spouse, or your kids because they look a certain way.
And I’d be willing to bet that your best friend isn’t your friend because of how he/she looks.
No! You love them because of who they are on the inside.
They are important to you.
You are grateful for them and all that they add to your life.
Our bodies are important to us too!
Without them we wouldn’t be here.
You don’t have to change your body in order to love your body.
You just have to stop taking it for granted and learn to appreciate it more.
A great place to start loving your body is by making a list of what you are grateful for in your body.
For Example:
-I’m grateful my body grew and nursed six babies.
-I’m grateful for legs that can walk.
-I’m grateful for arms to hug and hold those six babies and my husband.
-I’m grateful for eyes that see.
-I’m grateful for my lungs that breathe for me without me even having to think about it.
Once you have your list written, display it on your bathroom mirror and/or in the notes section of your phone.
Any time you’re feeling bad about your body, read over your list to remind yourself of how awesome your body really is.