Get ready to conquer?
This time it really can be different
Imagine . . .
- Loving yourself and feeling good in your own skin.
- Feeling in control around what you eat
- Feeling confident you can eat foods you love without eating your face off
- Waking up not feeling bloated and regretful because you overate the night before
- Keeping your promises to yourself and having your own back
- Loving the way your body looks and feels and being extremely grateful to be you
- Going out to dinner and not being afraid you’re going to blow your diet
- Being able to have fun on vacation and not gain 5 lbs.
- Feeling 100% in control and knowing how to deal with anything life throws your way
- Having the health and energy you want
This is for you
IF YOU . . .
-Are tired of waking up feeling bad because you overate the night before and you told youself you wouldn’t
-Know you need to make some dietary changes, but just can’t seem to say no
-Have ever sworn this will be the last time, but just can’t seem to keep your commitment
-Sometimes feel like your off-switch is broken- you tell yourself just one more bite and it turns into the entire thing
-Wonder why you do so well, only to end up self-sabotaging
-Feel weak-willed
-Have tried demonizing certain foods, only to want them even more
-Are tired and burnt out of trying diet after diet
-Are ready to change your relationship with food
-Feel like you never have enough time
-Constantly feel stressed out
Get ready to CONQUER and make peace with food and yourself once and for all!
This program will teach you how to reset your habits, retrain your brain, and set yourself free so you can conquer yourself and take back control of food.
- The key to CONQUERING your habits is not fixating on food or hating and beating yourself up.
- It’s getting down to the nitty-gritty of why you feel so out of control in the first place, and then retraining your brain to break the habit.
- CONQUER isn’t about swearing off your favorite foods and activities for the rest of your life, it’s about taking control of your behavioral, thinking, and emotional habits rather than being at the mercy of them.
Have the Life and Body You Deserve
Get read to CONQUER!
It's you against you, your brain against your brain, your habits against your habits. If your mind, nervous system, and body are against you, then no diet or habit-changing program is going to work for you. In this program you'll learn how to conquer yourself so you can conquer the battle with yourself, your habits, and food once and for all.
Choose your plan:
Program begins October 21 and ends November 22
w/ Coaching-
Conquer Program
Q&A Office Hours
4 private coaching calls-2/ each month
3 months Voxer Support
w/ Coaching payment option-
Conquer Program
Q&A Office Hours
4 private coaching calls-2/ each month
3-months Voxer Support