
Gratitude and Desire- Episode 13


On this episode we talk about 2 things: gratitude and desire, and how they both work together to help us get exactly what we want.

How often do you feel grateful for something or someone? Whether you think it, write it, or express it verbally? Is it daily, weekly, only on Thanksgiving day?

The more often we can express gratitude the better.

I just learned that something really cool happens in the brain when we practice gratitude.

Every time you think or say or write something you’re grateful for, it stimulates the production of dopamine, which is a chemical in our brain that’s makes us feel happy.

This neurochemical, dopamine, is also responsible for creating new neural pathways in our brains.

Neural pathways are created in the brain based on repeated thoughts and behaviors. The more times we repeat something, whether it’s a thought or a behavior, or whatever, our brain remembers it and because the brain likes to be efficient and put out as little energy as possible, they become automatic.

Now some of these neural pathways or the habits we’ve created, we might like, and some, maybe some we want to change.

And we change them by training our brains to create new neural pathways through repeated thinking or behaviors over and over again until the pathways get strong enough that the new behavior or thought is the new normal.

When we think grateful thoughts, we feel happy emotions which cause certain actions that get us the result that we want.

When we consistently practice gratitude, we are training our brain to find the good, which make us feel happier.

Sometimes when we hear people talk about gratitude, we get this idea that we need to be content with where we are and not want for more. This is not at all what I’m saying you should do.

I want you to want. Because it’s in the wanting that growth happens.

This is where desire comes in.

Listen in as I share with you the concept of creating a “Desire List” and how to take the seemingly impossible desires of your heart to the possible.