• Podcast

    GOATs and WIPs

    Making the choice to live the life of your dreams might be uncomfortable, but it’s worth it and so are you. Today we’re talking about one thing that holds you back, keeps you stuck, and prevents you from becoming the next greatest version of yourself. Grab your copy of our new Breakup With Emotional Eating Ebook. It covers a everything you need to know to stop eating for emotional reasons so you can finally lose the weight once and for all! WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER The sneaky belief that gets in the way of you accomplishing your goal. How to succeed How to turn around “mistakes” and “failures” and use…

  • Podcast

    Failing Forward

    One of the biggest things that holds us back from reaching our goals is a fear of failure. Failure for a lot of us really is a big scary fear. So today I want to talk about failure – more specifically how it’s a necessary part of success. I also want to talk about how we can use the concept of failing forward to achieve our goals. To start out with, let’s examine the word FAILURE. Google defines failure as: the omission of expected or required action. This doesn’t seem like a big deal right. It’s just something that didn’t turn out the way we expected it to. This happens…

  • Blog


    Do you keep living the same life because you’re afraid to put yourself out there and possibly fail? Think about it. Failure really is not a big deal. It is just an attempt at learning. Which means it’s a part of life and will always be a part of life. It means nothing about you or your worth. You’re still just as awesome as ever. When you fail at something, you’ve just figured out one way NOT to do something. And that’s good. As long as you learn something, failure is actually success. You’re one step closer to figuring out what’s going to get you to your end result. It’s…