Joyful Breakthrough
What would it feel like to be comfortable around food and in your own body and to finally have the confidence and self-esteem you’ve always wanted?
What would it be like to be at your natural weight and never have to worry about your weight again?
The Joyful Body Breakthrough Coaching Program will teach you how to make realistic and effective changes that last so you can finally have the breakthrough with food, your body, and yourself that you’ve been looking for.
Are you ready to leave behind a life of on and off dieting, quick fixes that don’t really fix anything, self-sabotage, shame, self-criticism, body hating, feeling confused and out of control around food, and gaining and losing the same pounds over and over again to become someone who loves herself, lives effortlessly at her natural weight, eats like a normal person, and never has to think about dieting ever again?

Rachael will walk you personally through your journey
You want to lose weight, but you’re tired of dieting, starving yourself, and exercising your brains out to get there.
You find yourself purchasing program after program, diet after diet, trying to find the perfect one that will work for you.
You want to stop emotional eating and feel in control around food, so you can stop overeating and playing the shame game with yourself.
You lose some weight but then feel embarrassed and defeated when you gain it back.
You wish you had a mentor who has been there, knows what you’re going through, and can help you see what is ACTUALLY possible for you in those moments when you feel like quitting. A coach who can help you uplevel your weight loss mindset, help you to heal your relationship with food, and show you how to rewrite your sabotaging identities and beliefs about yourself.
You’re exhausted from trying to hate yourself skinny and you’re ready to fall in love with yourself and your body.
You want to increase your self-confidence and have a better relationship with yourself.
✨You’re ready to become healthier -not just physically but mentally and emotionally too.
✨You’re ready to find what works for you and your specific body so you can thrive not just survive.
✨You’re ready to release the self-sabotaging blocks that have gotten in the way of your success in the past.
✨You’re willing to put in the work to get to the other side (with my guidance of course!)

If you’re ready to trade in the self-hate for self-love, and all the absurd diet rules for a method that really works, then this is the program for you!
Through the tools I have learned as a MASTER CERTIFIED LIFE COACH with a background in EATING PSYCHOLOGY I have helped 100’s of women transform their lives as well as transforming my own.
I personally have lost 50 pounds and have kept it off for almost 7 years using the exact tools you will learn working with me.
My favorite part of my transformation is I can genuinely say I love myself now. I feel empowered and I know how to handle anything life throws at me. I have stopped overeating – no more wallowing away my life with food- my mood has drastically improved, I’m easily in at my natural body weight, and my energy level is through the roof.
I want you to know that you can make that transformation too! I am not a special unicorn. I just have the tools to manage my mind, my emotions, and my relationship with food and I want to teach them to you!
This is different than any other program you’ve ever tried before.
We’re going to work closely together on changing your brain instead of just what you eat.
You can become the person you want to be! You can have a life full of JOY. You just need a guide.
Wherever you are right now, you can grow, you can change, you can reach your goals, you can be happier, stronger, healthier. This change is possible, and I’d love to show you how.
I’m here to HELP YOU stop overeating for the last time, work with your specific body and life circumstances, and to make the changes you want to see in your life.
Now is the perfect time! Don’t put it off any longer.
If you want to go all in with me and not just change your body but also change your entire brain as well as your relationship with yourself and with food so you never have to diet again, then this is the program for you.

Raise your hand if this sounds like you:
You’ve tried every diet in the book.
You do well for a little while.
Then something happens. . .
You eat a little something off plan, and then you figure since you’ve already blown it you might as well keep on going and start again tomorrow.
If this sounds familiar, I want you to know:
There is nothing wrong with you.
You aren’t broken and you are not a hopeless case. You are a human with a human brain.
The answer to your search for how to stop overeating isn’t found in another diet, another workout program, or another shake, shot, or pill.
It’s found in your brain and in your heart.
That is what makes my approach different than anything you’ve ever tried before.
If you want to lose weight for the last time, you need to do three things:
- Understand how your brain works and how to use your thinking for you not against you.
- Reset your habits around food, your body, and how you talk and treat yourself.
- Breakup with emotional eating by learning how to manage your emotions and your cravings.
This is my specialty!!!
If you’re searching for a realistic, permanent solution that will actually work this time . . . here it is.
The information you will learn in this program will change your overeating game forever: your body, your brain, your relationship with food, yourself, and your life will never be the same. And I don’t say that lightly.
I will help you uncover the root cause of your overeating so you can solve it once and for all. (By the way, it has very little to do with what you’re eating.)
We’re going to change WHY you eat.
I have combined everything I learned from my own experience of losing 50 pounds, my background in eating psychology, my Life Coach School certification, and the latest research in weight loss neuroscience and nutrition into a program that will give you all the tools and skills you need to not only lose the weight but to keep it off forever.

Ready to stop overeating for good?
In this program I will coaching you through the JOYFULL™ Method. I promise you it's nothing like you've ever tried before. We will be working not only on your physical health but your emotional and mental health as well, because it's more than just the food.
I created this program just for YOU!
- Stop overeating and be well on your way to living life at your natural weight
- Have so much energy to get through life
- Love your body more than you ever thought possible
- Have more joy in your life
- Navigate change with optimism
- Set crazy goals and know how to accomplish them
- Find peace with food
- Be happy in your life
- Create the body and life you love
- Stop using food to deal with life
- Know how to conquer cravings
- Develop powerful self-love and self-confidence

What’s Included?
✔️Bi-monthly Coaching and Teaching Calls tailored specifically for you and what you need
✔️Workbooks to supplement what you’re working on
✔️A Joyful You Planner (180 page pdf) to help you keep track of what’s working and what’s not
✔️ Email Support
This program isn’t about diets, it’s about building lasting beliefs around food and body that will serve you for the rest of your life. You will know how to create more joy in your life so you don’t have to get it all from food!!“
This program is tailored to you and your specific needs, but here are some of the topics we might cover:
Foundational Principles
The Secret Weapon to Losing Weight
True vs Sabotaging Identities
Self Love
Body Love
Your relationship with food, your body, and yourself and why it matters.
You’ll create your goals for this program by mapping out exactly where and who you want to be.
Obstacles that might get in your way and solutions to those obstacles so they don’t hinder your success.
Fundamental Basics
The 5 fundamentals of weight loss
How to use and begin implementing the A Joyful You planner.
How the brain works
✨Hunger and Satisfaction
✨Managing your mindset for success.
Emotional Eating
✨What emotional eating really is.
✨What emotional eating looks like
✨How to stop overeating for emotional reasons.
Hormones and Overdesire
✨What weight loss is NOT
✨Balancing hormones for optimal weight loss
✨The reason you have an overdesire for food
✨Different ways we sabotage our weight loss success.
✨How to end self-sabotage
How to Stay Committed
✨How to stick to your commitments an do what you promised yourself you would do.
✨Creating more Joy in your life!
Spiritual Health
✨Your relationship with God
✨How to involve Jesus in your journey
You are ready to find a way to eat the foods you love and still lose weight.
You want to stop the struggle with food once and for all.
You’re ready to re-learn how to tap into your body’s natural ability to eat just the right amount of food.
You’re ready to find what works for YOU and YOUR body so you can be your optimal best self.
You’re ready to feel better.
You wish you had a mentor who has been there, knows what you’re going through, will hold you accountable and won’t let you quit.
You are 100% committed and willing to do hard things.
You have been taking care of everyone else and you deserve and are ready to take care of you.
You are ready to not just change your body but also change your brain, your relationship with yourself and with food so you never have to diet again.