Ever wish you could have someone look at your weight loss attempts and tell you why it's not working for you and give you a personalized plan for what will?

I get it! Stuggling with extra weight is NOT fun.

Neither is dieting.

Know what’s even less fun? Dragging yourself through a torturous diet, losing weight, and then gaining it all back. 

When this happens, it’s hard to look yourself in the eye, knowing you’ve blown it again.

You’re mad at yourself, which you take out on your kids #grumpymom

Now, not only do you feel even more disgusted with yourself, you feel guilty and ashamed for losing your patience and snapping at your kids. 

Ask me how I know 😏

It’s super frustrating when you’ve tried EVERYTHING to lose weight and NOTHING seems to work!

It’s easy to feel broken and ashamed and like YOU are the problem.

You are NOT the problem!

There is a good reason why you are not losing weight, why you can’t stop eating all the things, why past diets didn’t work, and why those stubborn pounds won’t budge.

One of my gifts is being able to see what’s really going on under the surface that’s preventing you from losing the weight. 

I bet you’ve probably tried A LOT of things, and clearly they’re not working for you. 

It’s not you, momma, it’s the diet!

One of the reasons weight loss feels so hard is because you’re trying to implement a strategy that’s wrong for you.

And trying to lose weight using a strategy that doesn’t fit you or your life will never work.

Let me give you a weight loss plan that’s just right for you.

Once you signup for your Lose the Weight For the Last Time Joy Makeover, here’s what will happen:

▪️ You will immediately be emailed a questionnaire to fill out so I can get the full picture of what is going on for you. This questionnaire is very thorough, somewhat like a personality test, so I can see all the areas that are affecting your weight loss.

▪️ Once I receive your information and go over it in great detail, I will prepare an in-depth document with all of my feedback and suggestions. I will record and send you a video of me going over what’s not working, why it’s not, and everything you need to lose the weight for the last time.

▪️ Your personalize custom makeover plan will be sent to you within 72 business hours, so you can start implementing the advice I offer you immediately. 

The truth is, you don’t need another diet.

If you’ve tried everything to lose weight and NOTHING is working, it’s not because you’re weak, don’t have enough willpower, or something is wrong with you.

You just need a weight loss approach that’s customized for YOU and YOUR LIFE. 

Get ready to lose the weight for the last time with a Joy Makeover!

What People Are Saying:

This is awesome! Rachael was able to point out some things I hadn't really ever thought about before. I was able to look at weight loss holistically. I've been able to set small and simple goals, and I'm listening to my body and trusting myself more using the guidelines she gave me. Rachael and the Joy Makeover are so good. I highly recommend it!
Lacey C
Guys Rachael is amazing! She had me cracked open like a nut and was gently helping me examine what was really going on. If you struggle with losing weight check this out!
T. Grimes
A Joyful You Coaching

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