I recently learned an amazing concept from my coach that has changed my life.
She taught me that we all have strengths and weaknesses.
We were born with them.
They’re part of our genetics, our DNA, who we are.
Our weaknesses are patterns in our personality type, our natural way of doing and thinking things.
The things we came to earth prewired with.
Weaknesses are different than bad habits.
Habits are things like yelling at our kids, or overeating.
Habits are not an engrained part of our DNA.
They are something that we’ve learned along the way, and because we’ve learned these behaviors we can completely unlearn these behaviors.
The opposite of weaknesses is strengths.
Our strengths are things that come easier to us, or things that we’re naturally more good at.
Did you know that every one of our weaknesses is just a strength overused?
I love this way of thinking about it because instead of feeling like we totally have to change ourselves in some way, all we need to do is just dial back on that strength just a little bit.
We don’t need a total transformation.
All we need is to slow down a little bit, and be a bit more cautious.
Don’t let your weaknesses get the best of you.
Just remember that your weaknesses are simply just one of your strengths overused.