How to get off the Struggle Bus when it comes to food
How many times have you woken up first thing in the morning motivated and ready to have an amazing day when it comes to your food choices. . .
“Today’s the day I’m going to turn over a new leaf.”
“No more unhealthy food for me.”
“From here on out, I’m giving up __________(fill in the blank)____________ FOREVER!”
Only to find yourself face down in a family size bag of M&M’s come 3:00 in the afternoon because you’re stressed, bored, or you don’t want to do your work any more?
And let me guess: Since you think you’ve already messed up you might as well go ahead and eat the pizza and the ice cream and the Oreos because come tomorrow you’re going to be hopping right back on the diet train – but for realz this time.
Then tomorrow comes and the same thing happens. (Been there, done that, 1000 times!)
You keep riding the same struggle bus over, and over, and over again thinking something must be wrong with you.
Nothing is wrong with you!
Your brain and biochemistry are working perfectly.
The solution to hopping off the struggle bus for good is it to stop leaving your food choices up chance.
Plan them!
Decide ahead of time and make a realistic plan of what you will eat and when you will eat it, and then stick to the plan.
Realistic means you are meeting yourself where you are right now and not trying to eat like you’re Gwyneth Paltrow. That never works! (See the situation above.)
Planning ahead of time what you’re going to eat takes all the emotions out of it.
It also teaches you how to eat responsibly. You’re no longer making food choices in the heat of the moment.
You are 100% in control.