• Podcast


    In today’s age of food convenience, many of us have lost touch with our hunger and instead we fall prey to pseudo hungers. This habit, of course, causes many of us to gain weight, and then we try diet after diet that without much luck because we’re still overeating! Ready to stop this madness and weigh exactly how much we want permanently? When it comes to eating, I’m a huge proponent of listening to your body and feeding it what it needs when it needs it. But sometimes we confuse True Hunger with Pseudo Hunger. On today’s podcast I’m teaching you how to tell the difference. So turn up the volume, grab a pen…

  • Podcast

    The Mind-Body Connection

    There is scientific proof that that the mind and the body need to work together in order function at our best and that’s what I want to share with you today, The Mind-Body Connection. Your mind is constantly taking in information all day long and processing it, but what about your body? Your body doesn’t have thoughts, and it can’t process outside information. The mind needs a way of telling the body what is happening so it can therefore act accordingly. Enter the Mind-Body Communication System. Tune in to learn what exactly is the Mind-Body Connection and why it’s important, and two ways we miss use and interrupt this connection…

  • Blog

    5 ways to stop worrying

    When it comes to emotions, there are ones that are useful and ones that are not. Worry is one of those that is not useful. So, why do we worry? We worry because our brain thinks it is useful. It tricks us into thinking that worrying will help us avoid pain and discomfort But actually what it does is the opposite. It causes pain and discomfort because worrying feels terrible! (Can I get an amen?) wor.ry According to the Collins dictionary (yep that’s a real thing- I didn’t make it up), “if you worry, you keep thinking about problems or unpleasant things that MIGHT happen.”  —Keyword is MIGHT but probably…

  • Blog,  Weight Loss

    The Fundamentals of Weight Loss

    People assume I’ve always been a naturally thin person. They have no idea that I struggled with my weight for years. I went from diet to diet looking for the perfect one for me. I ran 5 miles a day, 6 days a week in an attempt to run off the weight. NO LUCK! I’d lose some weight but then I’d always gain it all back (plus some). I was tired of the diet roller-coaster. I was tired of having to starve myself, count calories, weight my food, and the massive overeating that happened anytime I just couldn’t hold on anymore. I was trying to make weight loss harder than…

  • Blog,  Weight Loss

    How to get off the Struggle Bus when it comes to food

    How many times have you woken up first thing in the morning motivated and ready to have an amazing day when it comes to your food choices. . . “Today’s the day I’m going to turn over a new leaf.” “No more unhealthy food for me.” “From here on out, I’m giving up __________(fill in the blank)____________ FOREVER!” Only to find yourself face down in a family size bag of M&M’s come 3:00 in the afternoon because you’re stressed, bored, or you don’t want to do your work any more? And let me guess: Since you think you’ve already messed up you might as well go ahead and eat the…

  • Blog

    $50,000 Commitment

    A lot of women come to me wanting to give up their emotional eating in return for weight loss. They feel like their reasons are superficial and not good enough. I tell them their reason(s) why doesn’t need to be compelling as long as they are 100% committed. Then I ask them if they would be willing to pay me $50,000 if they don’t follow through. This type of commitment is way different than “wanting to” or “trying to”. A $50,000 commitment means you “WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES FOR AS LONG AS IT TAKES” until you reach your goal. This is what will get you results.

  • Podcast

    5 Simple Steps to a Healthier You

    + What do you do if you want to get healthy or lose some weight without dieting or dropping into diet mentality? In this episode, I share 5 steps or things you can do that will help you reach your health or weight goal in a sustainable, healthy way. Step one: Make a daily food plan. For those of you who listened to the Emotional Eating episode and the How to break up with any habit episode, you’ll know the importance of using the prefrontal cortex part of the brain to run the show. If you need a refresher course, go back and listen to those two episodes. Making a…

  • Podcast

    Emotional Eating

    Many of us use food to cope with both negative and positive emotions. There’s nothing wrong with this unless it is causing a problem for you. If emotional eating is causing a problem with your health, your weight, or your relationship with food, it may be worth examining more closely. In this episode, I’m sharing two tools you can use to combat emotional eating and break the habit for good. I talk about the importance of awareness and being aware of your eating habits and patterns without judgment shame, guilt, or hate. I talk about Seizing the Brain by using the power of your prefrontal cortex to plan what and…

  • Podcast

    Stop Buffering

    Buffering is whatever activity we do to try to escape from, or cope from, or hide from what’s really going on in our lives and from what we’re feeling. It’s a distraction from having to deal with our emotions, especially the ones we don’t like feeling. As humans, we don’t like to feel uncomfortable. So when we experience an intense or a negative emotion that doesn’t feel good, it’s normal for us to want to escape it or to cushion the impact of it, to buffer it away, to protect ourselves. As humans we feel entitled to feel good and pleasure and sunshine and daisies all of the time. This…

  • Blog

    The 50/50 Rule

    Feelings are part of the human experience. We are supposed to have a contrast of both positive and negative feelings. This is what makes all emotions possible. If we experienced only positive emotion, we wouldn’t know it was positive because we had nothing to compare it with. I think a lot of us know this, but most of us still assume that life should be better than it is. So we try to change ourselves, and our circumstances thinking that if we do, life will be rainbows and daisies all the time. We desperately want there to be more good than bad in our lives. But the truth is, it…