
3-Step Process for Success!

If you want to move to a higher level of success and grow into the fullest measure of your creation, the best version of yourself, A Joyful You, you have to be willing to let go of some of these old habitual “I Am” statements and ways of thinking that aren’t creating the results you want, and adopt new ones that will.

This sounds easy in theory, but how do you actually do this?

The first step is awareness.

You have to be aware of what your I Am statements are.

This is why journaling and brain dumping is so important. It gets them out of your head and onto paper or onto a screen where you can take a look at them.

The second step is to figure out what you’re getting out of repeatedly thinking these thoughts.

We all have our go-to negative “I Am” statements.

Why do you keep them?

Why do you choose to repeat them over and over again?

What are you getting out of them?

How are they serving you?

Now I know what you’re thinking.

You’re thinking they’re not serving me. They’re just making me feel terrible!

The truth is you ARE getting something out of them, or you wouldn’t keep thinking them.

Figure out what it is.

Once you know what these rewards are and why you keep these thoughts around,

The third step is to stop feeding the negative I AM’s.

You probably won’t be able to eliminate them completely.

They’ll pop up every now and then sometimes more often than you’d like,

But you can starve them

And you starve them by putting more of your energy and attention into positive “I Am” statements.

Stop feeding your negative thoughts!