• Podcast

    Creation Vs Consumption

      Do you consume more than you create? Consuming massive amounts of information on a daily basis is fun and it pretends to be useful, but it is not actually doing anything to help us reach our goals. I love learning! But while this is action, it is not actually creating anything useful. On this week’s episode, we are delving into understanding the difference between creating and consuming and how to commit to continuouslytaking action until we create our desired result. Signup for your Free Breakthrough Call and let’s  jumpstart your results by discovering exactly what you want and how to BREAKTHROUGH what’s getting in the way. WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Are you creating…

  • Podcast


    In this episode, we discuss a topic that no other weight loss program or diet out there addresses, but it is huge when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off- IDENTITY Tune in to learn how identity and behavior go hand-in-hand and a 3-step process you can use to get off the overeating, dieting, obsessive thinking about food cycle once and for all. WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER You have the ability to create your life. This creation process is either inhibited or supported by your daily habits. Your 2 identities How your identity effects our habits and our habits effect our identity. A 3-step process for changing your identity…

  • Podcast

    The Power to Create

    Did you know you have power to create any result you desire? You have the power to create a happy healthy life. You have the power to create the relationships you want. And you have the power to love yourself and achieve your goals. On the podcast today, I teach you how to step into and fully use this power. FEATURED ON THE SHOW Email Rachael at rachael@ajoyfulyou.com Instagram Website Moses 3:7 Get a Free Copy of The Book of Mormon OR    read it for free here   TRANSCRIPT: I’m Rachael Collins at the Joyful You Podcast; this is episode 62: The Power to Create Welcome to The Joyful You…

  • Podcast

    All In!

    Have you ever felt like your goals are mountains that impossible to summit? If you have, you’re not alone. I’ve been feeling this way too lately. As I’ve been working towards accomplishing some big goals, I’ve set for myself, doubt, fatigue, and confusion has crept it. As I’ve been thinking about and wrestling with this issue, I realized that the reason I’m struggling and the reason you’re struggling has to do with not being all in. Tune into this episode to learn the missing ingredient: Being All In! Because those who decide to go “All In” are the ones who succeed. FEATURED ON THE SHOW Henry B Eyring Quote Brian…

  • Podcast

    What to do when you want something but you don’t

    On this episode I’m discussing the oxymoron of wanting something but not. For example: I want a clean house, but I don’t always want to clean it. I want to lose weight, but I don’t want to change my overeating habits. I want dinner every night, but I don’t always want to cook it or go get it. It’s like I want it but I don’t. I think this happens for everyone, and it can get so confusing. WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Why this is happening and what to do about it. What to do when you feel like you’ve lost your motivation. How to figure out what it is…

  • Podcast

    GOATs and WIPs

    Making the choice to live the life of your dreams might be uncomfortable, but it’s worth it and so are you. Today we’re talking about one thing that holds you back, keeps you stuck, and prevents you from becoming the next greatest version of yourself. Grab your copy of our new Breakup With Emotional Eating Ebook. It covers a everything you need to know to stop eating for emotional reasons so you can finally lose the weight once and for all! WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER The sneaky belief that gets in the way of you accomplishing your goal. How to succeed How to turn around “mistakes” and “failures” and use…

  • Podcast


    On this episode of the Joyful You Podcast, we dig into how habits are created, and the best way to break or make a habit. WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Why it is so difficult to change certain habits. The brain science behind creating new habits. The anatomy of a habit The best way to work with your brain to break an unwanted habit FEATURED ON THE SHOW Leave an iTunes Review Here Joyful Body Breakthrough Program Follow me on Instagram A Joyful You Website Favorite Habit Book https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/ajoyfulyou/Habit_Podcast.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

  • Blog

    How to Create any Goal

    A lot of times when we set a goal, we kind of sort of know what we want, in a vague sense. For example, we know we want to lose some weight. I can’t tell you how many times I wrote that down as my new year’s resolution: “January 1st: Lose weight.” That’s great and all but it’s pretty vague and it doesn’t leave the brain much to work with. Creating a goal is like building a house Let’s say you decide you want to build a new house. How well would it work out if you hired a contractor and the only instructions you had for him or her…

  • Blog

    How to stay motivated

    Have you ever thought to yourself, “I  know what to do, I’m just not doing it?” You have all these dreams and goal and things you want to do, and you try to achieve them, but you just can’t seem get motivated or stay motivated? Any of these sound familiar? Why can’t I eat what I’ve planned? Why don’t I stick to my calendar? Why am I still drinking or eating this even though I promised myself I was going to cut back? Or maybe you do good for a long time but then you slack off a bit. You’re doing great on your diet but then you “fall off…

  • Podcast

    Why You Aren’t Taking Action

    Do you want to do something but just don’t feel motivated to do it? Join me on this episode and I’ll explain the reason why and what to do about it. You’ll learn: ✨Why you aren’t taking action ✨The Think, Feel, Do Cycle ✨Why you might be feeling a lot of resistance when you’re working towards a goal. ✨How to create the motivation you need to take the action you want. https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/ajoyfulyou/Why_You_Arent_Taking_Action_.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS