
Using the Power of “I Am” to accomplish anything!


“I Am”

These 2 tiny words are powerful!

In fact, I heard someone once refer to them as superfoods for the mind.

We have superfoods for the body, and these two words are superfoods for the mind.

I’ve been thinking lately about the difference between the desire for success verses actually achieving success.

Why are some people successful and others not?

What’s the difference?

As I’ve thought about this, I‘ve decided it all comes down to is the power of “I Am”.

Let me explain. . . . .

When you say the words, “I Am” followed by more words, you’re saying a power statement.

The reason it’s so powerful is because it is said in reference to yourself.

You are announcing an opinion you have about yourself.


Grab a sheet of paper and something to write with.

At the top of your paper write “I am ________________”

Set a timer for 2 minutes and fill in the blank.

Write down as many “I Am” statements as you can before the timer goes off.

There is no right or wrong answer, whatever comes to mind about yourself, write it down . . .

What do your I am statements look like?

Are they negative?

Such as: I am so stupid! I’m never going to get it right?

I’m such an idiot. I’m ugly. I’m never good enough.

I’m just going to eat this or do this anyways. I’m so bad at this. I am so mad right now!

Are they positive?

Such as: I’m crushing this project. I’m the best mom. I am so grateful. I am such a great friend!

I am listening. I’m looking good today!

Maybe they were more neutral statements

Such as: I’m going to the store. I’m going out on a date tonight.

I’m at work right now. I am making spaghetti for dinner tonight.

It’s possible they were a combination of both.

I’m also curious, if I followed you around all day and recorded all the words that came out of your mouth and also all the conversation you have going on with yourself inside your mind, would the majority of your “I Am” statements (your thoughts about yourself) be negative or positive? What do you think?

The reason I ask this is because

“whatever follows the “I am” will eventually find you.” -Joel Osteen

If you’ve been around for a while you know that our thoughts are always creating our results.

Our thoughts create our feelings, our feelings drive all our actions, and our actions, what we do or don’t do create our results, our life, our successes, and our failures.

The things you declare about yourself (whether out loud or silently in your mind), all your “I Am” statements, are majorly creating your life.

If you want to know if the majority of your “I Am” statements are negative or positive, all you have to do is look at the results of your life.

Do you realize the creative power your thoughts have?

Your thoughts, positive or negative, create your results, positive or negative.

What have you created so far with them?

You’re a creator whether you realize it or not. What have you been creating?

Another reason the statement “I Am” is so powerful is because when you say “I Am”, you are speaking of one of God’s greatest creations – YOU!

Go back and look at your “I Am” List and replace the words “I Am” with the words “God’s greatest creation is . . . .”

God’s greatest creation is so stupid!

God’s greatest creation is never going to get it right?

God’s greatest creation is an idiot.

God’s greatest creation is ugly.

God’s greatest creation is never good enough.

God’s greatest creation is so bad.

Or maybe it looks more like this:

God’s greatest creation is the best mom

God’s greatest creation is so grateful.

God’s greatest creation is such a great friend!

God’s greatest creation is looking good today.

What things are you saying about one of God’s greatest creations?

Are you using the power of your thoughts, especially about yourself, to live up to the measure of your creation?

What kind of a life are you creating with them?