The Mind-Body Connection
There is scientific proof that that the mind and the body need to work together in order function at our best and that’s what I want to share with you today, The Mind-Body Connection. Your mind is constantly taking in information all day long and processing it, but what about your body? Your body doesn’t have thoughts, and it can’t process outside information. The mind needs a way of telling the body what is happening so it can therefore act accordingly. Enter the Mind-Body Communication System. Tune in to learn what exactly is the Mind-Body Connection and why it’s important, and two ways we miss use and interrupt this connection…
Stop Buffering
Buffering is whatever activity we do to try to escape from, or cope from, or hide from what’s really going on in our lives and from what we’re feeling. It’s a distraction from having to deal with our emotions, especially the ones we don’t like feeling. As humans, we don’t like to feel uncomfortable. So when we experience an intense or a negative emotion that doesn’t feel good, it’s normal for us to want to escape it or to cushion the impact of it, to buffer it away, to protect ourselves. As humans we feel entitled to feel good and pleasure and sunshine and daisies all of the time. This…
Stop Buffering
: Buffering is when we use external things to change how we feel emotionally. It can be anything that serves as a protective barrier from having to fully experience our lives and the sometimes intense emotions that accompany it. It’s something we do to keep from fully experiencing our lives, to hide from reality, to procrastinate, to not show up and face the music. We’re mostly buffer because we feel entitled to feel happiness and pleasure all of the time. We are constantly bombarded with suggestions of ways to do this: You should go eat something You should go buy something You should go watch something These are all FALSE PLEASURES…
Redefining Health Part 1: Intellectual Well-Being
We tend to think of HEALTH as being free from illness or injury, being trim and fit, and in good shape. I used to think the same, until just recently. In this episode I introduce my definition of health and the first of 4 areas we should work on to live a balanced life so we can truly change and begin showing up as our best selves. Today we begin with the area of Intellectual Well-being. Intellectual health is engaging in creative and mentally-stimulating activities. We can also group mental health in with this. We address creation verses consumption, And how to train the brain to start choosing what you…
To buffer means to lessen or moderate the impact of something. Examples of buffering include food, shopping and spending money, drinking and drugs, social media, and Netflix binging. All of these things have a negative side effect, some greater than others. When we talk about buffering from a weight loss standpoint, buffering would be defined as using food to lessen the impact of your emotions or feelings. It’s using food for anything other than to fuel your body. You could also call buffering stress eating or emotional eating. Reasons you might buffer would be to entertain yourself when you’re bored, to keep you company when you’re lonely, to keep you…
Emotional Eating
Emotional Eating This is a big one for a lot of us. because we’ve never been taught how to handle our emotions. We just eat to escape them, and to not feel them. In the world today, we have so much immediate quick pleasure available that we haven’t had to live through many hardships. We can easily escape discomfort through food, television, the internet, pornography, social media, gaming, etc. We’ve created this entitlement that life should be fun and happy and pleasurable all the time; and when it’s not, and things get hard or uncomfortable for us, the best thing to do is to escape the overwhelm, or the…