• Podcast


    In this episode, we discuss a topic that no other weight loss program or diet out there addresses, but it is huge when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off- IDENTITY Tune in to learn how identity and behavior go hand-in-hand and a 3-step process you can use to get off the overeating, dieting, obsessive thinking about food cycle once and for all. WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER You have the ability to create your life. This creation process is either inhibited or supported by your daily habits. Your 2 identities How your identity effects our habits and our habits effect our identity. A 3-step process for changing your identity…

  • Blog


    I had a shame attack this weekend and I want to share it with you. Being totally transparent, I’ve gone back and forth on whether or not I would share this. See, I have a hard time with feeling vulnerable and embarrassed. I’m working with my own coach on being more okay with those feeling these emotions. Working with a coach is like this: As the client, I’m is stuck inside a glass jar. I’m trying to read the label, but it’s fuzzy and it’s really hard to read. But my coach is outside of the jar and she can clearly read the label and tell me what it says.…

  • Podcast

    The Shame Attack

    Have you ever have a shame attack? I’m guessing you have. Today I’m sharing the experience I had with shame this past week, along with some steps to deal with a shame so you’re not spiraling down the “shame hole” and you’re able to come out stronger on the other side. WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER What shame is all about and why we experience it. My experience with shame and how I handled it. What to do and not do with shame when it comes up for you. FEATURED ON THE SHOW Learn more about coaching with me Brene Brown Leave a Podcast Review Follow me on Instagram  

  • Weight Loss

    Think Yourself Thin

    Losing your mental weight is everything. Most women who want to lose weight only focus on diet plans and restrictive food lists. They never look at what the real problem is with their weight. They only treat the symptom but never get down to the actual cause. This is the equivalent of taking aspirin for a broken bone versus casting it and healing it permanently. The biggest most common cause of that extra weight you’re carrying is all the mental drama you’ve unconsciously been holding onto. I specialize in helping women discover what these are so they can get past their mental drama so they can lose weight. Start your…