
Is it wrong to want to lose weight?

“Is it wrong for me to want to lose weight?”

I find a lot of people asking this question especially because there’s a lot out there right now on “body love” (which I’m a huge fan of by the way.)

There’s a lot of people out there that say, “If you just loved your body enough, you wouldn’t or shouldn’t have a desire to lose weight.”

Contrast that with the diet culture who says, “You need to weigh this amount and look this certain way in order to be healthy, loved, and accepted.

Is it any wonder people are confused?

They feel shamed if they do and shamed if they don’t.

Here’s how I like to think about BODY LOVE:

You can love your body exactly the way it is – weight, looks, jean-size, love handles, cellulite, and all – AND want to improve your body -including weight loss.

Let’s look at it this way:

I love my house – like I really LOVE it!

But that doesn’t mean I don’t ever want to improve it.

When we moved into our house we didn’t have a yard.

It was just dirt and weeds.

Body Love would tell me if I loved my house enough I’d just keep it as is -dirt weeds and all!

Can you see how ridiculous this is?

Because I love my house so much I want it to become the next best version of itself- so we put in a yard!

The same goes for you your body.

When you love your body, you don’t want it to stay the same.

You want to keep improving it.

You want to grow and become the next best version of yourself because you love yourself.

For some of us, that next best version might include losing some weight.

I 100% believe. . .

It’s OKAY to want to lose weight

And I don’t believe for one second that ‘diet culture’ has to be a part of that.

I’m a huge fan of learning to eat the way God intended and nourishing yourself properly so you can reach your natural weight and body size because you love yourself.

It’s when you’re wanting it from a place of hate and striving for somebody else’s natural weight and body size that you harm yourself physically and emotionally.


I totally believe there’s a middle ground between the anti-diet world and the restrictive diet world and that’s what I’m here to teach.

If you’re ready to learn how to Stop Overeating with love so you can reach your natural weight, then I invite you to check out the Joyful Body Breakthrough Program.