
Take off your mask!


I’ve been hooked on the television show “The Masked Singer”.

According to Wikipedia, it’s a reality singing competition that features celebrities singing songs while wearing head to toe costumes and full-on face masks to conceal their true identity.

Throughout the show we are given various clues alluding to the celebrities identities to guess who they are.

Each week the least popular singer is eliminated, taking off their mask to reveal their identity.

Have you ever wanted to mask your identity?

Have you ever wished you could take on a new identity?

Have you ever had times in your life where you were scared of your true identity being exposed?

Scared of being a beginner, scared of getting it wrong, scared of what other’s might think of you?

I know I have.

And so we hide.

We play small.

We don’t share out talents.

We don’t set big goals.

We don’t succeed because we are afraid of rejection or failure.

We conceal our true identity and keep it hidden behind various masks.

There is a lot of shame associated with this.

We have thoughts that we’re not good enough.

We feel ashamed of who we are and what are talents are.

Shame thrives in the dark.

Shame loves secrecy and hiding and wearing figurative masks.

The opposite of shame is joy.

Joy is found when you take off the mask and step into the light.

Joy is found when you serve and share your talents with others.

Joy is found by letting your true self shine for all to see.

TAKE OFF YOUR MASK, the world needs the real you!

The world needs your gifts, your talents, and your contribution.

We do not feel better when we hide. (Matthew 5:15)

We feel better when we show up as our true authentic selves shining our light bright for all the world to see. (Matthew 5:16)

Keep on shining!!!