• Podcast

    The Power to Create

    Did you know you have power to create any result you desire? You have the power to create a happy healthy life. You have the power to create the relationships you want. And you have the power to love yourself and achieve your goals. On the podcast today, I teach you how to step into and fully use this power. FEATURED ON THE SHOW Email Rachael at rachael@ajoyfulyou.com Instagram Website Moses 3:7 Get a Free Copy of The Book of Mormon OR    read it for free here   TRANSCRIPT: I’m Rachael Collins at the Joyful You Podcast; this is episode 62: The Power to Create Welcome to The Joyful You…

  • Podcast

    All In!

    Have you ever felt like your goals are mountains that impossible to summit? If you have, you’re not alone. I’ve been feeling this way too lately. As I’ve been working towards accomplishing some big goals, I’ve set for myself, doubt, fatigue, and confusion has crept it. As I’ve been thinking about and wrestling with this issue, I realized that the reason I’m struggling and the reason you’re struggling has to do with not being all in. Tune into this episode to learn the missing ingredient: Being All In! Because those who decide to go “All In” are the ones who succeed. FEATURED ON THE SHOW Henry B Eyring Quote Brian…

  • Blog

    How to Create any Goal

    A lot of times when we set a goal, we kind of sort of know what we want, in a vague sense. For example, we know we want to lose some weight. I can’t tell you how many times I wrote that down as my new year’s resolution: “January 1st: Lose weight.” That’s great and all but it’s pretty vague and it doesn’t leave the brain much to work with. Creating a goal is like building a house Let’s say you decide you want to build a new house. How well would it work out if you hired a contractor and the only instructions you had for him or her…

  • Blog

    How to stay motivated

    Have you ever thought to yourself, “I  know what to do, I’m just not doing it?” You have all these dreams and goal and things you want to do, and you try to achieve them, but you just can’t seem get motivated or stay motivated? Any of these sound familiar? Why can’t I eat what I’ve planned? Why don’t I stick to my calendar? Why am I still drinking or eating this even though I promised myself I was going to cut back? Or maybe you do good for a long time but then you slack off a bit. You’re doing great on your diet but then you “fall off…

  • Blog,  Weight Loss

    The Fundamentals of Weight Loss

    People assume I’ve always been a naturally thin person. They have no idea that I struggled with my weight for years. I went from diet to diet looking for the perfect one for me. I ran 5 miles a day, 6 days a week in an attempt to run off the weight. NO LUCK! I’d lose some weight but then I’d always gain it all back (plus some). I was tired of the diet roller-coaster. I was tired of having to starve myself, count calories, weight my food, and the massive overeating that happened anytime I just couldn’t hold on anymore. I was trying to make weight loss harder than…

  • Blog


      What if I told you self-doubt around losing weight is normal and it isn’t a problem? Say What?! Self-doubt is a feeling we feel because of a thought we’re thinking about doing something new or hard. Our brain likes to tell us, “I don’t know if I can do this.” Because we’ve never done it before we have no past evidence to go off of. Self-doubt isn’t wrong. It’s a normal part of being a human. We all experience self-doubt. A lot of women use it to quit on or to stay stuck! They let their past weight loss attempts dictate their future. “I’ve never been able to lose…

  • Weight Loss

    Lose the Weight for Life With This One Simple Tool

      People are always surprised when they find out I once weighed 50lbs more than I do now. In order to do it, I had to stop making weight loss complicated. Instead of trying to change everything all at once, which was impossible and always ended up not being sustainable, I had to take baby steps. Here’s the secret to losing weight for good: If you want to lose ALL your weight for good, you have to change in small ways! Start each day and ask yourself: How can I do a little better today than yesterday? Then do it! That’s it! If we try to do things that we can’t…

  • Blog

    May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor

    Would you gamble on your money, your life, your health, and your happiness if you only had a 2% chance of winning? I would “bet” (pun intended) that you would NOT and that you’d stay as far away from Vegas as you could. Throughout the year, and especially at the beginning of a new year, there are millions of people, 108 million+ of them in fact, that decide to risk it anyway, and hope that the odds will be in their favor. **fingers crossed** These people go on a diet, a weight loss plan, a program, or a “lifestyle change” with the hopes that this will be the last one.…

  • Blog,  Weight Loss


                    Now that you know the why, it’s time to get into the what and the how. However, there’s one more thing you need to do before. You need to set some very specific goals and figure out why you want to achieve them. For instance: What are you hoping to achieve by participating in this Joyfully Lean program? What is the reason you signed up? Was it to lose weight? Was it to balance your hormones? Was it because you want to feel better, or to have more energy? If you’re hoping to lose some weight, how many pounds are you hoping…