May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor

Would you gamble on your money, your life, your health, and your happiness if you only had a 2% chance of winning? I would “bet” (pun intended) that you would NOT and that you’d stay as far away from Vegas as you could.
Throughout the year, and especially at the beginning of a new year, there are millions of people, 108 million+ of them in fact, that decide to risk it anyway, and hope that the odds will be in their favor. **fingers crossed**
These people go on a diet, a weight loss plan, a program, or a “lifestyle change” with the hopes that this will be the last one. Statistically, 98% of all people who lose weight by going a diet, a weight loss meal plan, an exercise regime, a lifestyle change, or whatever you want to call it, where they are limiting and restricting certain foods, cutting calories, and/or intensely exercising, will gain it all back AND THEN SOME within one to two years! And most likely, along with the weight gain comes an unhealthy relationship with food, with your body, and with yourself. You no longer know what to eat, when to eat. You’re mad at yourself for letting the weight creep back on or for not being able to stick to your diet. And you might see food as the enemy, after all it’s what made you gain weight in the first place. Then what do we do? We go back on another diet, the same one or a different, better one, and we do the whole thing over again, and again, and again.
Diets, or whatever you want to name them, are not sustainable. We cannot keep white-knuckling our way through, eventually we will cave in. There are both physiological and psychological reasons we do this. Our body senses danger and starvation, and no matter how much willpower we have, the body will always win. hashtag: true story
SO, do yourself a favor, leave dieting behind for good. If you’re on a diet, get off. There are much better, more sustainable and maintainable ways to improve yourself, I promise.