• Podcast

    The Comparison Trap

    Today I want to talk about the comparison trap. I know I’ve been stuck in it a lot of times. Wishing I looked like so and so, or I had kids that acted like so and so’s. Or I had as much money as so and so or my Instagram feed was as cool as so and so’s I know it’s not a competition. You probably do too, so why do we compare? The reason we do is is because our mind loves comparison. It LOVES IT! It loves to look out for trouble because it was designed to do just that. Way back when, our ancestors needed to look…

  • Podcast


    Take a second and think about money. What do you think about money? I encourage you to get a piece of paper and answer these questions: What comes to mind when you think about money? Do you have or want a lot of money? Why or why not? What were you taught about money? Do you think it’s hard? Or Do you think it’s easy? Do you think you have to work hard for money? Or Do you think money is fun? Do you think money is abundant or do you think I never have enough money? This is all very important because the way you think about money is…

  • Podcast

    4 Phases of Change

      The 4 Phases of Change As I’ve been working with clients, I’ve noticed that no matter what different goals each of my clients are working on, they all go through these 4 phases of change. It’s really helpful to know about these phases and which phase you’re currently in because it will help you get through each of them and get the result you want. The four phases are: 1. Our Current Normal 2. The Excited Phase 3. The Misery Phase 4. The new normal Phase number one is OUR CURRENT NORMAL. This is where we are before we set a goal or start working or a habit. We’re…

  • Podcast,  Weight Loss

    Small and Simple Things

    Episode 25: By Small and Simple Things Today I want to talk to you about this concept, found in the scriptures, that by small and simple things, great things are brought to pass. This concept is found in many verses but my favorite reference is found in Alma in the Book of Mormon (Alma 37:6). Sometimes we think we have to be do big amazing things in order to see results. Many women, when they want to release weight or stop emotional eating, will do these great big overhauls to their diet/lifestyle. There’s this thrill we get when we think about starting a new healthy eating program. Or a program…

  • Podcast

    Stop Living In Your Past

    Episode 24 Sign up for the Joyful Body Breakthrough HERE Sometimes we let our past hold us back. Ever wish you could go back in time and change it? I’m here to tell you that you don’t need a time machine to change your past. It’s 100% possible to re-write the story of your past so you can move on with no regrets and create the life you want. This is so so important when it comes to creating and breaking habits. If you find yourself think or saying out loud things such as: That’s just who I am That never works for me, I’ve tried. I’ve always struggled with…

  • Podcast

    5 Simple Steps to a Healthier You

    + What do you do if you want to get healthy or lose some weight without dieting or dropping into diet mentality? In this episode, I share 5 steps or things you can do that will help you reach your health or weight goal in a sustainable, healthy way. Step one: Make a daily food plan. For those of you who listened to the Emotional Eating episode and the How to break up with any habit episode, you’ll know the importance of using the prefrontal cortex part of the brain to run the show. If you need a refresher course, go back and listen to those two episodes. Making a…

  • Podcast

    Failing Forward

    One of the biggest things that holds us back from reaching our goals is a fear of failure. Failure for a lot of us really is a big scary fear. So today I want to talk about failure – more specifically how it’s a necessary part of success. I also want to talk about how we can use the concept of failing forward to achieve our goals. To start out with, let’s examine the word FAILURE. Google defines failure as: the omission of expected or required action. This doesn’t seem like a big deal right. It’s just something that didn’t turn out the way we expected it to. This happens…

  • Podcast

    Emotional Eating

    Many of us use food to cope with both negative and positive emotions. There’s nothing wrong with this unless it is causing a problem for you. If emotional eating is causing a problem with your health, your weight, or your relationship with food, it may be worth examining more closely. In this episode, I’m sharing two tools you can use to combat emotional eating and break the habit for good. I talk about the importance of awareness and being aware of your eating habits and patterns without judgment shame, guilt, or hate. I talk about Seizing the Brain by using the power of your prefrontal cortex to plan what and…

  • Podcast

    Joyful Movement

    Are you thinking about getting fit or losing weight as one of your New Year’s resolutions? If yes, then this podcast is for you! Join me as I debunk some of the myths concerning weight loss and exercise. You’ll learn the top three exercises I recommend for effective weight loss. Be careful because the brain will try to trick you out of doing them. But don’t worry, I teach you a simple tool you can use to combat your stubborn brain. Follow me on Instagram   http://traffic.libsyn.com/ajoyfulyou/Joyful_Movement.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

  • Podcast

    How to Get It All Done

    If you often feel busy, overwhelmed, and that there’s never enough time to get everything done, this episode is for you. I share a simple structure tool to Getting It ALL Done and being more productive than you ever imagined was possible! When I follow this structure tool, I not only get a lot done, but I enjoy doing it. I don’t have the worry, anxiety, and overwhelm feelings that keep me up at night. Remember your brains job is to keep you alive. One way it does this is by helping you conserve energy. The brain is really good at selling us on the ideas we shouldn’t do it…

A Joyful You Coaching

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