• Podcast,  Uncategorized


    This week, we’re diving into the theme of overwhelm—a common feeling that can hit when we’re faced with seemingly insurmountable tasks. Overwhelm can be likened to super glue—it keeps us stuck in place and prevents us from moving forward. It feels strangely comforting because it’s familiar, even if it’s not productive. We often indulge in this emotion because it feels safer than stepping into the unknown and taking action. So, how do we break free from overwhelm? Tune in to this episode to find out. Ever wish you could have someone look at your weight loss attempts and tell you why it’s not working for you and give you a…

  • Uncategorized

    Is it wrong to want to lose weight?

    “Is it wrong for me to want to lose weight?” I find a lot of people asking this question especially because there’s a lot out there right now on “body love” (which I’m a huge fan of by the way.) There’s a lot of people out there that say, “If you just loved your body enough, you wouldn’t or shouldn’t have a desire to lose weight.” Contrast that with the diet culture who says, “You need to weigh this amount and look this certain way in order to be healthy, loved, and accepted. Is it any wonder people are confused? They feel shamed if they do and shamed if they…

  • Uncategorized

    Take off your mask!

      I’ve been hooked on the television show “The Masked Singer”. According to Wikipedia, it’s a reality singing competition that features celebrities singing songs while wearing head to toe costumes and full-on face masks to conceal their true identity. Throughout the show we are given various clues alluding to the celebrities identities to guess who they are. Each week the least popular singer is eliminated, taking off their mask to reveal their identity. Have you ever wanted to mask your identity? Have you ever wished you could take on a new identity? Have you ever had times in your life where you were scared of your true identity being exposed?…

  • Blog,  Uncategorized

    Really Going Places!

    I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how much control and power we give to what our body looks like.  We let it dictate our worth, our value, what and how much we’re allowed to accomplish and do in the world, who we can be friends with, and the list goes on and on. We give it so much power. News Flash: YOUR BODY DOES NOT DEFINE YOU! What counts, my friend, is on the inside – your spirit. What truly matters is your personality, how you treat others, your spunk, your humor,  your determination, your faith, your loyalty, etc. This is what makes you beautiful. These are the things…

A Joyful You Coaching

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