• Podcast

    Victim Mentality

    Today I want to discuss something that typically gets in the way of us going “all in”. Something that keeps us stuck and prevents us from creating the results we want. It also keeps us from experiencing joy. In fact, it causes the opposite of joy. It creates a lot of resentment, bitterness, sadness, hopelessness, and sometimes even anger. I’m talking about Victim Mentality. Victim Mentality is just a habit. Tune into today’s podcast to learn how to break it. FEATURED ON THE SHOW Kevin Hamilton Article Reinventing Yourself The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Learn More on my Website Follow me on Instagram   TRANSCRIPT: I’m Rachael Collins…

  • Blog

    Diversify Your Joy

    Click Here to Listen to this Post A huge part of my pre-weight loss story was simply this: I LOVED FOOD! I mean I LOVED IT!!! I based my whole life around food. It was my entertainment, my comfort, my distraction, my love, and how I connected and bonded with my people. I never thought of food as fuel that was there to sustain my body and keep me alive. I thought of food as joy. So of course, when I started trying to make changes to my eating habits and experimenting with which foods felt best in my body, it felt like all the joy had been taken out…

  • Blog,  Weight Loss

    The Fundamentals of Weight Loss

    People assume I’ve always been a naturally thin person. They have no idea that I struggled with my weight for years. I went from diet to diet looking for the perfect one for me. I ran 5 miles a day, 6 days a week in an attempt to run off the weight. NO LUCK! I’d lose some weight but then I’d always gain it all back (plus some). I was tired of the diet roller-coaster. I was tired of having to starve myself, count calories, weight my food, and the massive overeating that happened anytime I just couldn’t hold on anymore. I was trying to make weight loss harder than…

  • Blog,  Weight Loss

    The Toddler in All of Us

    We all have a TODDLER living inside our brain. There are two of the “main parts” of the brain: the Adult Brain and the Toddler Brain. Most of us our functioning with our Toddler Brain. Our Toddler Brain is all about functioning in the moment, and getting immediate gratification. It is reactive and just wants to do what feels good in the moment. It doesn’t like to wait for things or reason things out. It wants what it wants and it wants it NOW! Our Toddler Brain is really good at throwing really loud temper tantrums, and it can whine like it’s going out of style. It acts exactly like…

  • Blog,  Weight Loss

    How I lost 50 pounds

    Once upon a time, I thought I knew everything there was to know about being healthy and losing weight. I had tried every plan, pill, and program out there but I was still carrying an extra 50 pounds on my body. I finally decided I had had enough! So, I stop dieting and forcing myself to run 5 miles every day (something I hated), and I started listening to my body. I began untangling the emotional ties I had to food and my extra weight I learned to feel my feeling instead of eat them. I learned to manage my mind. I stopped listening to what my brain was telling…

  • Blog

    Self-Made Prison

    Do you sometimes feel like you are is stuck in a prison? You try to free yourself but nothing seems to ever work. You’ve tried program after program, Read diet book after diet book, Self-help post after self-help post None of them work long-term or maybe not at all. You end up feeling more stuck. What if I told you there is a way out? What if I told the key to unlocking the prison cell is YOUR MINDSET. The mind is like a very powerful computer. The things you focus on are what your mind seeks to create for you. At some point and to no fault of your…

  • Blog,  Weight Loss

    What If?

    What if happiness = thinness and not thinness = happiness? What if you stopped blaming your body for your unhappiness and decided to just be happy in spite of what your body looks like? What if you decided you loved your body enough to care for it the way it wants to be cared for, not the way the world and our culture teaches? What if you stopped tying your weight to your self-worth and just decide that you’re worthy just because you’re you? What if the way out of your weight struggle was not through changing your body, but through changing the way you think about your body? What…

  • Blog

    Loving You

    You can’t hate yourself into being a better person, you can’t hate yourself to become thin, and you can’t hate yourself into being healthier and feeling better.   The first step to loosing weight is to LOVE yourself! Really love yourself. Love yourself and your body exactly how it is right now.   I use to believe that if I lost the weight, I’d  magically be a better person. But guess what? On the inside, I’m still the same person. It wasn’t until I truly learned how to love and believe in myself that I ended the weight struggle once and for all.  No matter how unhealthy or overweight you are,…

  • Blog

    You Look Amazing!

    Most women think that somehow their life will magically be better once they lose the weight. That somehow being thin will make them more confident , beautiful, talented, kind, etc. I used to believe this. I thought I’d feel happy ONCE I lost all the weight and got down to a certain size. I wasted so much time, energy, and money on weight loss. I did lose the weight and guess what? I was still the same old me with the same old insecurities and problems. The truth is your weight does NOT determine how worthy or adequate or talented you are. Self-confidence and BEING ENOUGH and feeling adequate and acceptable…