• Podcast


    In this episode, we discuss a topic that no other weight loss program or diet out there addresses, but it is huge when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off- IDENTITY Tune in to learn how identity and behavior go hand-in-hand and a 3-step process you can use to get off the overeating, dieting, obsessive thinking about food cycle once and for all. WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER You have the ability to create your life. This creation process is either inhibited or supported by your daily habits. Your 2 identities How your identity effects our habits and our habits effect our identity. A 3-step process for changing your identity…

  • Podcast

    Victim Mentality

    Today I want to discuss something that typically gets in the way of us going “all in”. Something that keeps us stuck and prevents us from creating the results we want. It also keeps us from experiencing joy. In fact, it causes the opposite of joy. It creates a lot of resentment, bitterness, sadness, hopelessness, and sometimes even anger. I’m talking about Victim Mentality. Victim Mentality is just a habit. Tune into today’s podcast to learn how to break it. FEATURED ON THE SHOW Kevin Hamilton Article Reinventing Yourself The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Learn More on my Website Follow me on Instagram   TRANSCRIPT: I’m Rachael Collins…

  • Blog

    Diversify Your Joy

    Click Here to Listen to this Post A huge part of my pre-weight loss story was simply this: I LOVED FOOD! I mean I LOVED IT!!! I based my whole life around food. It was my entertainment, my comfort, my distraction, my love, and how I connected and bonded with my people. I never thought of food as fuel that was there to sustain my body and keep me alive. I thought of food as joy. So of course, when I started trying to make changes to my eating habits and experimenting with which foods felt best in my body, it felt like all the joy had been taken out…

  • Blog

    How to make a Habit Stick!

    The 3 R’s of Making a Habit Stick When it comes to creating a habit, there are 3 things you need: Reminder –This is a trigger, or a cue, such as flushing the toilet,  or feeling an emotion, such as boredom Routine – This is the action associated with the cue. Flushing the toilet cues you to wash your hands, while feeling bored triggers go for a walk. Doing something over and over can make the action Reward – The reward associated with the action is what makes the habit stick. If you do something that causes enjoyment or relieves boredom, the release of dopamine (a feel-good chemical) in your brain will…

  • Blog

    5 ways to stop worrying

    When it comes to emotions, there are ones that are useful and ones that are not. Worry is one of those that is not useful. So, why do we worry? We worry because our brain thinks it is useful. It tricks us into thinking that worrying will help us avoid pain and discomfort But actually what it does is the opposite. It causes pain and discomfort because worrying feels terrible! (Can I get an amen?) wor.ry According to the Collins dictionary (yep that’s a real thing- I didn’t make it up), “if you worry, you keep thinking about problems or unpleasant things that MIGHT happen.”  —Keyword is MIGHT but probably…

  • Blog

    5 POWERFUL Ways to get your Groove Back!

    You know those days where you wake up and you just feel like you’re in a funk? You’ve lost your mojo or you don’t feel like doing anything? Today I want to share with you 5 powerful things you can to get your groove back. CHAT WITH A FRIEND – This can be in person, over the phone, via Marco Polo or Voxer, video chat, it doesn’t matter. Sometimes just talking and venting with someone you can trust does wonders to clear all that negative thinking away and helps to move your brain into a more positive space. PRACTICE GRATITUDE – Listing all the things you are grateful for (on…

  • Podcast

    4 Phases of Change

      The 4 Phases of Change As I’ve been working with clients, I’ve noticed that no matter what different goals each of my clients are working on, they all go through these 4 phases of change. It’s really helpful to know about these phases and which phase you’re currently in because it will help you get through each of them and get the result you want. The four phases are: 1. Our Current Normal 2. The Excited Phase 3. The Misery Phase 4. The new normal Phase number one is OUR CURRENT NORMAL. This is where we are before we set a goal or start working or a habit. We’re…

  • Podcast

    5 Simple Steps to a Healthier You

    + What do you do if you want to get healthy or lose some weight without dieting or dropping into diet mentality? In this episode, I share 5 steps or things you can do that will help you reach your health or weight goal in a sustainable, healthy way. Step one: Make a daily food plan. For those of you who listened to the Emotional Eating episode and the How to break up with any habit episode, you’ll know the importance of using the prefrontal cortex part of the brain to run the show. If you need a refresher course, go back and listen to those two episodes. Making a…

  • Podcast

    Emotional Eating

    Many of us use food to cope with both negative and positive emotions. There’s nothing wrong with this unless it is causing a problem for you. If emotional eating is causing a problem with your health, your weight, or your relationship with food, it may be worth examining more closely. In this episode, I’m sharing two tools you can use to combat emotional eating and break the habit for good. I talk about the importance of awareness and being aware of your eating habits and patterns without judgment shame, guilt, or hate. I talk about Seizing the Brain by using the power of your prefrontal cortex to plan what and…

  • Podcast

    How to Breakup With Any Habit

    Do you have a habit you wish you could kick to the curb? Maybe it’s overeating. Maybe it’s your soda habit. Maybe you have a habit of overspending. Maybe your habit is wasting too much time watching television or scrolling your social media feed. On this episode of The Joyful You Podcast I teach you a PROVEN four-step process to breakup with ANY habit – no matter how attached you feel you are. This is the EXACT method I used to breakup with overeating and lose weight. Make a plan and write it down Follow that plan exactly Allow all urges to go off plan Repeat Listen in as I…