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    5 Ways to Have More Body Love

    The way we think about and view our body matters. It matters because when we have a positive body image (or what I’m choosing to call body love), we feel comfortable in our body and happy with the way we look. And when we’re comfortable and happy, then we are able to be in tune with what our body really needs (physically and emotionally). We treat our body well and take care of it instead of beating it up, punishing it with strict diets, disordered eating, intense workouts, or overeating in an attempt to numb out all our emotional distress with food. Here are 5 ways you can begin to…

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    Loving Your Lovable Self

    We are all 100% loveable. There is nothing we can do to be more worthy of love. We can’t earn it. And it can’t be taken away. It’s just there. If you don’t love yourself or even like yourself, it’s a reflection of your choice not to. It has nothing to do with your lovability. Having an amazing relationship with yourself boils down to how you choose to think about yourself. If you want to like yourself more, simply commit to thinking awesome thoughts about yourself.

  • Blog,  Weight Loss

    Restrciton Love

    Last year I “tried on” the belief that ALL FOOD RESTRICTION IS BAD. There are some really loud people out there preaching this. So, I decided to try it out, and see for myself. I went all in. While eating everything and anything was fun for awhile, the consequences of having zero food restrictions weren’t. I felt awful. I gained weight. My aches and pains returned along with a foggy brain. After testing it out, I’ve come to the belief that Restriction = Love Thinking of it this way really helps me. We have restrictions in our marriage. We don’t kiss or have sex with others just because we want…

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    Piper, Pipe Down!

    As a human being, you have this voice inside you that likes to talk to you -all- the -time. This voice tells you things like: You’re not good enough. Other People can do that better than you. Why are you so stupid? You don’t know what you’re talking about. What’s wrong with you? You’re too old, fat, ugly, etc This voice goes by:  Ego, the Natural Man, Inner Mean Girl, Inner Critic, or Inner Naysayer. And nothing she says is true. Inside you is also your spirit. This is the part of you that is total love. This part of you existed before you were born and will exist after…

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    Some Mother’s Child

    Today I have another tool for you to use to help you show up with love. This tool is one a had to learn the hard way. Not too long ago,  I had a close family member struggle and rebel. He rebelled against my family, the gospel, and the law. Many MANY people judged not only him, but also his parents, and especially his mother. It was a difficult thing to witness and to go through, but it taught me a great lesson on love. Whenever I encounter someone who is easy to judge, but difficult to love, I remind myself that this person is some mother’s child.

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    Be Love

    There are many ways we can BE in any given situation . We can be jealous, angry, annoyed, happy, selfish, kind, judgmental, and so on. The absolute, very best way to be is to BE LOVE. What you notice about others is the same thing you notice about yourself. What is relevant and important to us are the things we think should be relevant and important to others. When we judge others, we are actually

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    The best way to grow to love yourself is to build a good relationship with yourself. You build a good relationship with yourself the same way you build a relationship with anyone else- You make time for them. You keep your commitment. You’re dependable and trustworthy.

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    With today being Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d  share what I’ve learned about love, particularly about loving yourself.  Most  women have an easy time loving others. We’re very nurturing, kind, and caring to those around us. However when it comes to ourselves, we’re our own worst enemy. We are constantly beating ourselves up over every little thing. We scold and criticize ourselves endlessly reminding ourselves of every little imperfect thing about us. We deny any of the good in us. News Flash! It’s our job to love ourselves, and to like and approve of ourselves. I’m not talking about being selfish, or arrogant, or stuck-up. I’m talking about having a…

A Joyful You Coaching

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