The Power to Create
Did you know you have power to create any result you desire? You have the power to create a happy healthy life. You have the power to create the relationships you want. And you have the power to love yourself and achieve your goals. On the podcast today, I teach you how to step into and fully use this power.
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I’m Rachael Collins at the Joyful You Podcast; this is episode 62: The Power to Create
Welcome to The Joyful You Podcast. On this show I talk all about living a joyful life on purpose so you can be live well, feel well, and become your strongest, healthiest, happiest, most amazing self. Let’s do this.
Did you know you have power to create any result you desire? You have the power to create a happy healthy life. You have the power to create the relationships you want. And you have the power to love yourself and achieve your goals.
On the podcast today, I want to teach you how to step into this power.
For years I didn’t feel powerful – at all. In fact, I felt powerless. I felt like my life was just happening to me and I had no control over it. It seemed that everything I tried, failed, especially in the weight loss department. But also in my relationships, my business endeavors, and my health. I thought everyone else was lucky and I had been dealt a bad hand. I had a serious case of Victim Mentality for sure.
But all of this began to change when I learned I had the power to create. I realized that everything in my life, I had created myself. So if this was the case, if I didn’t like what I had created, I could create something new. This is powerful!!! I began to put the Universal principles of Creation to work, and my life has changed exponentially. In fact, we have an old friend who always reminds me – “remember the way you used to be? Grumpy and unhappy, walking around with a chip on your shoulder all the time?” Yep- I remember and I’m so glad I’m no longer that person.
Once you learn how to harness the power to create, you’ll have the ability to transform every part of your life. I’m so excited to share this with you.
Let’s begin by talking about creation. There are 2 parts of creation, the first part is spiritual creation and the second part is physical creation. All creation begins with spiritual creation. We’re told in the scriptures that “I the Lord God created all things of which I have spoken spiritually before they were naturally, [or physically] on the earth.”
My favorite way to think about this is to think about building a house. I’ve mentioned this before, but I live in a small rural town that is exploding with new homes. We have tons of new neighbors that have built or are building their house. When we want to build a new house, or we could say, when we want to create a new house, we don’t just order a bunch of cement and wood and start building. No! That would be disastrous. We first start with envisioning what we want in our mind. We see an image of the end result before we even start to build. We feel what it’s going to feel like to have our house this layout and this size and color and to have our family living and gathering in this space.
Then we hire an architect and we tell him what we envision and he draws everything up on blueprints before anyone even begin the physical creation of building the house.
This is spiritual creation.
Spiritual creation is made up of 3 parts.
What we SEE
What we SAY
And What we FEEL
These 3 elements spiritually create everything in our life.
How we choose to SEE, affects what we SAY, which affects what we FEEL.
How we feel drives our actions or what we DO
What we DO is the physical element of creation.
This is what the Law of Attraction (LAO) gets wrong. When I learned about the LOA, it was all about ask, believe, receive. Ask the Universe or God for what you want, believe it will manifest, and then sit back and let it come to you. But we know that “faith without works is dead”. We need to DO part.
Let’s break these 4 elements down so you can really understand and apply them.
The first one is SEE- this is how you perceive something, someone, or yourself. Do you SEE yourself as someone who can’t lose weight? Guess what you’re creating? A person who can’t lose weight. Do you SEE your kids as well-behaved? Guess what you’re creating? Children who are well-behaved.
I’ll never forget the first time I realized this principle. I was watching a reality tv show about a couple and their kids who went on an RV vacation. To me, the husband was dorky and always said their weirdest things. But the wife SAW him as the funniest, most wise man on the planet. And it clicked. What if I chose to SEE my husband that way? That no matter what he said or did, I SAW him as the funniest, wisest, best husband in the world. I decided to give it a shot. Afterall, I have 100% control over how I choose to perceive things, including the words and behaviors of others. It totally worked! Choosing to SEE my husband differently changed what I said about him, in my own private thoughts and the thoughts I spoke out loud to others, which changed the way I FELT about him, which changed my actions. I wanted to spend time with him. I wanted to serve him, and to praise him, and to try to make his life as happy as I could. It totally changed our relationship and it all started with changing the way I SAW my husband.
The second principle is SAY – what do you say about your goals? What do you say about yourself? What do you say about others? This can be what you say internally in your head or out loud to yourself or others. Words are powerful especially the words “I am”.
I am tired.
I’m not happy.
I’m patient.
I’m fat.
I’m uncomfortable speaking in public
I’m such a slacker.
I’m not creative.
I’m a healthy eater.
I’m doing my best.
I’m not a good dancer.
I’m not a morning person
I’m an addict.
I’m funny.
I’m just not organized.
When you say these words, silently in your head, or out loud in conversation, guess what you’re creating? More of what you say.
What you see and what you say creates how you feel. If you’re familiar with the CTFAR model, what you see and say would go in the T-line or the thought line. Sometimes I like to call this line the story line. Both of these things lead to how you feel.
All 3 of these things work together to create spiritually. This power is ALWAYS working. You are constantly creating, whether it’s a positive or negative creation.
The spiritual creation leads to the physical creation. How we see say and feel drives all of our actions. This is the DO part. What we do or in some cases what we don’t do, creates our result.
You are 100% in charge.
Several years ago, I attended a lecture put on by Hank Smith. He was talking about creating happiness and he used the example of Nephi and his brothers Laman and Lemuel from the Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Christ.
Nephi and his brothers had the same parents. They grew up in the place. They all left their home and traveled in the wilderness. They all went through the exact same circumstances during their journey. Yet, the experiences they create were total opposites. This is because they chose to SEE, SAY, FEEL, and DO things differently. Nephi created a happy joyful life, Laman and Lemuel created a miserable, victim-mentality, woe is me, I hate everyone life.
The choice is ours. God gave us agency. He lets us choose how we want to see say feel and do.
Now, this power to create is actually a co-creation. You get to decide what you want to create, and you decide how the SEE, SAY, FEEL, DO part and God decides the timeline.
The last thing I want to point out about this creation power is that most of us want to skip the spiritual creation and start out with the physical creation. We tend to focus only on the DO-ing part. If we want to create weight loss, we change what we eat, we change how we move our body, we change how much water we drink, we change how much soda we drink, or we track our macros or count points. All of this is the tip of the iceberg. If you’ve ever seen an iceberg, the majority of it you can’t see because it’s underwater. We try to go at our goals by chipping away at the tippy top of the iceberg, and it’s really difficult because that huge blob of ice is still under the surface. It’s nearly impossible to create a lasting physical creation without first creating a spiritual creation. We need to chip away at what’s under the surface. This would mean changing how we see ourselves as an eater, changing what we say to ourselves and about ourselves, especially those “I Am” statements, and changing how we feel.
If we’re simply doing great habits, but not seeing results, it’s because our see say and feel are not in alignment with your habits, with what you’re doing. Focusing on SEE SAY and FEEL will naturally lead you to DO things differently. If you intentionally focus on what’s under the surface, you will create amazing things. You can do this!